Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Where do I stand?

Being together just like the old times, yet not having commitments. It makes me really sad but to be with the person I love, I must endure this. Without any certainty, I am still hanging by a thread. All of the negative thoughts still hound me. When he leaves will I be left with nothing again? I'm scared of the direction we're going. More than friends, more like lovers, but without an official relationship. Where do I stand?

I still ask if you really love me. Sometimes I feel like I love you a thousand times more than you love me. Like I'm a dam ready to break all because of my feelings for you. And yet, I don't feel the same from you...because with you I still feel your uncertainty.

You asked me to trust you and I desperately want to but how could I? You know how to make me at ease right? Can you offer me the security of being in a relationship with you? Is that really too much to ask?

I feel like a confidant than a lover...a special friend yet always a meter short of being the girlfriend.

I'm getting hurt...